The Family Tree and how it works

The diagram on this page shows you how the website is arranged. You can see that Irene and Bill are the focal point in the orange circle. Above them are their parents and grandparents, and below them, their children, grandchildren and so on. You’ll notice that we don’t go out sideways from any level.

To explain that, look at Irene and Bill. Each of them had a heap of siblings, but they’re not covered in this website. Instead we “fan out” from them - both upwards (parents and grandparents) and downwards (children and beyond)

If we branched out sideways at each level, the website would be MASSIVE. That said, there’s always the odd exception. Where there’s a special person off to the side, information about them may be included under their closest relative covered on this website.

Once you’ve been approved as a registered user, the “People” and “Family” options in the header will take you to content. The “People” option will allow you to navigate to one of the top four levels shown on the diagram: Grandparents, Parents, Irene and Bill and Children. To get to levels below Children, there are options to drill down. As an example, to get to information about my grandson Luca, you’d go to the Children page (which is for the children of Irene and Bill), select Gwen (my Mum), then select me, then my daughter Lauren, then Luca.

If you don’t want to navigate through the levels, and you know the name of the person you’re looking for, then you can use an alphabetical list of everyone by clicking here.

The list is sorted by Last Name then First Name, and where a person has had more than one Last Name, they’ll be included under all names, where those names are known. When you find the person on the list, just click their surname and you’ll go to their page.

Once you get to the page for the person you’re looking for, there will be up to five types of information:

PERSONAL INFORMATION - This will include the person’s name, their parents, their children and a range of other information if that person has OK’ed it’s publication, for example their email address, mobile number, etc.

At the bottom of the Personal Information section, you’ll see a series of buttons, each with a label matching to the underlined text below. Just click on the button for the information you’re interested in, and whooshka…you’ll be transported to the selected page.

STORIES - These can range from an overview of a person’s life, to any significant events that happened during their life. Stories will often include PHOTOS and DOCUMENTS where they’re relevant to the story.

PHOTOS - There will usually be at least one gallery of photos. In some cases there may be more than one gallery, for example there may be a gallery of photos from a milestone birthday. Some photos may also have been included in one or more stories.

DOCUMENTS - Just like photos, there may be one or more galleries of documents. These can include anything from birth certificates to death notices, and everything in between.

VIDEO - If video is available for a particular person, then the VIDEO button will take you to the screen to access it.

Written by Rob Landsberry, last updated 2 June 2023