Beat-poem Written And Performed by Tony Strachan

This is the text of a beat-poem written and performed by Tony Strachan at the dinner at the Imperial Hotel, Bowral on Saturday 10 June 2023. The dinner followed a lunch which was to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the death of the wife and son of Irene and Bill’s second child, John - Cecilia and Kevin, who both died in 2003, and to honour John (Jack) who died in 1985, and his eldest son John, who died in 2008.

The beat-poem was to honour the O’Briens, and in particular Jack, Cecilia, John and Kevin. To view the video of the performance, click here.

Cousins, cousins, cousins….Hear Ye, Hear Ye…

We’re back in Limerick…Tipperary…


The forebears of Pa, head for the Horn

Under sail and a wind of scorn

The young men shiver as the canvas flaps

They pray as the captain holds his oily maps


Round the Horn.. they rock and reel

They spew their guts all over the wheel

In the colony they head out to the heat

William says……….‘We will sow some wheat’


Cus, Cus..Oohh, Cus, Cus…Mmmm


The hard times follow - William curses the earth

The dust is rust and there’s the cry of birth

His plough share broken it’s a bloody big crack

He carries the metal load on his back

People shakin’ their heads….. at the two-legged horse

He becomes a bloody legend ….well of course.


TemORA….TemORA…There IS...a special AUra


Our pa is now a man and he meets a lass

The sheep do munch, the family goes to mass

The Great War passes but the fire comes

The family in the dam and the burnt out gums


pass the shoes down
four in a room
no trips to the store
war and the CALL-UP comes
men become rats in a desert war

And Allan adds to the deadly score.

TemORA…TemORA...There IS..a special AUra


It’s the nineteen sixties and it’s nine at night

The kids with rosaries kneel in low light

Celia pokes Jack and he wakes with a start

She tells them all it’s mass… at sparrow fart


Muster at TilBUSter…Muster at TilBUSter…



Cousins John and Kevin rest in peace

Bowed in Bowral on their personal lease

They carried THEIR plough shares through the dust

As all of us eventually surely must


Muster in…TilBUSter



Written and performed by Tony Strachan, with an attempt at backing vocals and interpretive dance by Leslie Jolley, Rob Landsberry and Kate Landsberry, last modified 13 July 2023


Impromptu Speeches at the O’Brien Commemorative Lunch