Getting Started

For Experienced Members

Press one of the buttons below to dive right into the website

For New Members

So, you’ve just joined up to the O’Brien Clan website, and you want to know how to find your way around. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Please spend just 5 minutes reading this document. While it’s all important and will help you to get going, the red text below is SUPER important as it covers some things that we need from each family member.

Some tips

The first thing to note is that the website is currently ONLY optimised for a computer screen – not for phones or tablets. It will work on tablets and phones, but it may not be look as good as it does on a computer screen. That will come soon.

All pale blue text on each screen is a hyperlink which will go to a new screen. If that’s to somewhere within the O’Brien website, it will open on the same tab in your web browser. If it’s to somewhere outside the website (eg a Google map, an article, etc), then it will open a new browser tab.

If you click on an image, in most cases it will temporarily expand into a larger image.

And where there are multiple images (which is called a ‘gallery’), when you click on one image it will expand, and you can scroll through the images in the gallery in expanded mode using the left and right arrows that will appear on the screen.

You’ll stay logged in on your device for 30 days. The 3rd party product used for membership doesn’t allow this to be modified. So, I’d suggest you log out when you’re finished for the day. Of course, moving to another device will require you to log in again anyway.

Don’t forget that you can use the back button in your browser (top left) to go back to previous O’Brien Clan web pages that you’ve been looking at.

Getting started

To get started I’d suggest that you go to the “General” screen using the menu option in the header, or by clicking here, and read this section: The Family Tree and how it works. That will help you understand how to navigate around.

Then, while still on the General screen, maybe have a browse of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s).

You’ll also find links to a bunch of other useful information on the General screen.

And if you want to dive straight into the stories, then there’s a full list of those on the Index page.

Profile Pages

A profile page tell you about one member of the O’Brien Clan. The idea is to have a profile page for every person who’s a part of the O’Brien tree from the first convicts/settlers in the early 1800’s right down to the newest arrivals as they’re born. We’ve set up a profile page for those we know of, and will add to that as more information comes in.

You can find a person’s profile screen via the ‘People’ menu on the website’s header, or by clicking here. From there you can access information on each of the 4 generations shown there. To drill down below the 4th level (which is ‘Children’) use the links to children for each person, as shown in the green box on the screenshot below.

Note you can also get a full alphabetical list of everyone on the website by clicking here. When you find the person you want, simply click on their surname and you’ll be taken to their profile page. Where someone has multiple surnames, we’ve tried to list that person under each of them.

Once you arrive at the right profile page you can use the buttons at the bottom of that person’s profile screen (see the red box on the screenshot above). Not everyone has Stories, Photos, or Documents yet. You can find a full index for all stories on the Index page.

Additional material will be added with each new release (at least once a month). I have a LOT more material, and I’m also looking forward to getting more from all of you.

What we need from you

There are three main things:

  1. Firstly, we need to flesh out the profile pages. You’ll notice that most people’s profile pages have very little on them – just red placeholder text. In some cases these details are available, but we’ve chosen not to publish it until we get a person’s OK. So please use the details on the contact screen to advise which information can be published for you and any kids you have under 18.

  2. Secondly, if there’s anyone who should have a profile screen but doesn’t, then please let us know their details and how they fit into the family tree.

  3. And lastly, we need material. We need family members to write stories, provide photos and video, and send any other family related material that we can gather in this one central place.

Please use the details on the contact page here to send any of the above information.


All input is welcome – whether that’s to report an error, make a suggestion, supply material, make a complaint, or just to provide some other input.

The web managers aren’t at all sensitive about constructive criticism – it will help to make the website a better and more complete experience.

Written by Rob Landsberry, last updated 15 August 2023